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by Cassandra of Nearlythere Email me!

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Redheads + 1

I Cannot Survive Without The Internet
2004-07-16, 10:54 a.m.

I wrote this entry late Wednesday night because I a) slept all day and b) had no internet for over 24 hours and was bored out of my mind. My internet is back now, THANK GOD, so I won't have to kill anyone.

I am about ready to climb up the walls of my apartment because I have SO MUCH TO DO ONLINE and I cannot do any of it. Apparently, my IP address is invalid, and manually resetting it isn't working, and the IT people are really short-staffed and so the network people aren't around and blah blah blah bored around here. I need to pay my bills online! I need to order checks and address labels and new stationery! I need to ask Pineapple a very pressing address etiquette question, and I really need to thank her for the lovely card that was waiting for me when I got here. I need to e-mail the Redheads and get their opinion on my next haircut, which needs to happen soon, but I can't look up hair salons because I HAVE NO INTERNET. I need to order some wedding gifts for people and I need to balance my checkbook and rearrange my wishlist and a lot of other time-wasting things. I can't IM people all the live-long day. I can't use Mapquest to figure out how to get to Target. I can't do anything because I have no internet, and I am useless without high-speed connections that function ALL THE TIME.

So instead of unpacking or being productive in any way, I am organizing my mp3 collection, writing this entry to be posted as soon as the fucking Internet comes back, and making a list of stuff to do once I get the Internet back tomorrow morning.

I also took two separate four-hour naps today AFTER I'd already gotten a full eight hours of sleep last night. I woke up at 7:30, discovered the Internet was broken, called it in, and went back to sleep. Then, I woke up at noon, discovered the Internet was still broken, decided not to unpack or make lunch or do anything productive, and went back to sleep. And then I woke up at 4:30 p.m. and laid in bed watching TV for at least another hour. Then I finally showered and ventured outdoors for a staff social event around 7:00. So lazy! So useless! Such a waste of space! But - I'm getting ready for my job to start on Monday, and I have to get down to business soon.

I've been told I have to lead a 20-minute activity on Monday morning, and I've been out of student affairs for a couple of years, and my corporate retreat experiences were completely unpleasant, so I can't draw upon any of those terrible team builders. If you have any ideas for an awesome get-to-know you or teambuilding type of activity that will include eight adults (preferably one that requires no bulky supplies to lug across campus or things I would have to buy), please e-mail me. If I like yours the best, I will send you a prize! (Also, I am looking for ideas for creative "welcome baskets" for my staff when they arrive in the first part of August, but I'll formally solicit those later - with more bribes/prizes!)