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by Cassandra of Nearlythere Email me!

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Holy Shit!
2004-07-13, 1:17 p.m.

The last several days have been filled with randomness and frantic packing and repacking and unpacking and cleaning and organizing and forgetting and replacing and so on. I gave my old job over a month's notice, which was an enormous mistake on my part. I had mentally checked out after about six days of that business, and it took everything I had to give to show up before 10 a.m. and stay past 4 p.m. each day. I wrote journal entries, I e-mailed people, I changed my address and ordered birthday presents, and generally became an expert at time wasting disguised as "wrapping up loose ends." And, all my stuff went to Illinois two weeks before I did, so I was sick of indoor camping and trying to entertain myself with no stuff.

So, my last day at work was Friday, July 9th. I showed up at 9:00, had my exit interview at 10:00, said good-bye to my friends, and was speeding out of downtown Kansas City by 11:00. It was glorious. I had plans with T to go to a Spanish restaurant for my last night in town (which was ridiculously expensive, so we just shared a bottle of wine and three plates of tapas), and then we went out for drinks at Tomfooleries, my very favorite bar in Kansas City. I was completely inebriated after the wine, and stupidly kept drinking once we got to the bar, so you can imagine how assy I felt on Saturday. And this all happened after my going-away party on Thursday night, which was followed by a lot of drinking at home, drunk chat with some Very Popular Journallers, and some drunk posts at Kate and Dawn's journals. Forget Summer of Fun � this has been my Summer of Drunken Debauchery.

I had intended to get up early on Saturday morning, load up my car and get out of town as quickly as possible. What really happened was that I'd spent the night at T's place (way too drunk to drive home), woke up late, went out for breakfast with him, got back to my place and tried not to cry at the sight of how much crap was left to pack, and got to work. I had to drive to Illinois with my arms pinned against my sides and all my windows completely obscured by stuff, but I made it without being stopped by the police or causing any accidents. Thank God.

I drove straight to my new apartment, got the keys and unloaded the car, and then sped to my parents' house to crash for the night. We loaded up my dad's truck and my car on Sunday with more stuff, and then my brother and I came back yesterday with the rest, and I took him to see Anchorman since he was such a good sport about all the heavy lifting. (The good thing about dads and brothers helping you move is that you can just stand around and fan yourself and sip lemonade, while pointing where the boxes should go, in the 100+ degree weather.)

Today, I had my First Official Meeting for the new job and I plan to spend some time unpacking and learning my way around town. I need to buy some groceries and pay my bills and stir up some trouble with a friend that I haven't seen in seven years who lives in my new neighborhood. I am absolutely thrilled to be here, I love my new place, and I am inviting everyone to visit.

I can't wait to meet my staff and to get to know my colleagues. I really can't wait to learn how to get to my office without consulting a map, and how to get out of the maze of one-way streets. And all the second-guessing I've been doing over the past month seems so silly now, because somehow, this already feels like home.