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by Cassandra of Nearlythere Email me!

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When I Look In the Mirror
2004-03-04, 2:43 p.m.

When I look in the mirror, I see beauty. I see a round face, big brown eyes, and clear skin, small dimples in my cheeks, and a straight-toothed smile. I see a brunette with short, wavy hair that is curly some days and stick-straight on others. I see full lips, rosy cheeks, perfectly arched eyebrows, and a strong, square chin. I see strong legs, soft skin, and shiny hair that bounces with my steps.

When I look in the mirror, I see flaws. I see blemishes on my chin, fake front teeth, frizzy flyaways covering the part in my hair, and dry patches of skin on my face. I see my shapeless arms, my too-round stomach, my too-wide hips, and my too-big butt. I see short legs, flat feet, wide hands, short fingers. I see the scars from horrible bouts with dermatitis and eczema trailing down my arm. I see cellulite, a second chin, thick legs, and flat hair.

When I look in the mirror, I see sexiness. I see cheekbones and soft shoulders and a neck spritzed with perfume. I see the rise of my breasts and the curve of my hips and a perfect hourglass silhouette. I see a pedicure and freshly shaved legs, the taste of my toothpaste, and the smell of a recent shower � soap, citrus, honey, roses, lavender. I see expressive eyes that can flash from blissful happiness to fierce anger before you can even blink. I see the Look that gets me what I want every single time.

When I look in the mirror, I see my body at its heaviest. I see my body as it looks right now. I see my body at year-end, my weight even lighter than I�d hoped it could be. I see a fat woman with self-esteem issues, who hid her shape for years, resenting the attention she got from her big breasts and curvy frame. I see a woman whose confidence is shattered, who can barely accept a compliment without stammering and blushing and making a fool of herself. I see a woman wearing her favorite pants and she knows she looks fantastic. I see a woman, twirling around the dance floor in a little black dress, feeling like the prettiest one in the room.

When I look in the mirror, I see a girl who doesn�t know if she would rather have a cookie or some ice cream. I see a woman who doesn�t know if she would rather have financial security or a fulfilling career. I see a daughter who will never truly please her parents, I see a sister who is torn between unconditional love and perpetual hatred for her brother and sister, I see a granddaughter who lives in fear that each phone call, each visit, will be the last. I see a friend who doesn�t always feel like picking up the phone, who would rather watch sports and drink beer than go dancing and drink martinis, who hates mixing her groups of friends, who swallows her envy with the announcement of each engagement and each pregnancy and expresses best wishes through bitter, teeth-clenched smiles.

When I look in the mirror, I see a woman who is still learning her limits, who couldn�t care less about cars, and who can make margaritas with the perfect consistency of blended ice. I see a woman who loves to indulge herself, who secretly hides US Weekly in between The New Yorker and Forbes on airplanes and will never admit that her skin care routine is more expensive than her monthly car insurance. I see a woman who�s still getting the hang of financial responsibility and living independently. I see a woman who refuses to give up on herself, who swears like a sailor, and whose cats adore her.

When I look in the mirror, I see tiredness, frustration, hurt, and disappointment. I see silly quirks, irrational fears, and inexplicable loneliness. I see someone who takes joy in the little things, obsesses about everything, and forgets next to nothing. I see someone who loves learning and hates admitting ignorance or asking for help. I see a woman who bends over backwards for people she loves and who rarely gets that treatment in return. I see a woman who�s slowly becoming more confident in herself, more definite in her dreams, and more cognizant of her desires. I see a woman who�s ready for the next step and who won�t be manipulated or destroyed.